Wednesday, September 3, 2008


In a nutshell here's what I've been up to in terms of work:

  • Worked as an intern at Scott Free Productions for 2 months.
  • Worked as a PAID intern at Scott Free Productions (and a little at Totem Productions) for 1 month.
  • Will be unemployed for lots of months.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Earthquake (Continued)

Yesterday there was an earthquake. At the moment that it occurred, I started laughing. Alec Wells was sitting beside me and looked around at the pulsing walls. I stood up and pretended to surf, still laughing. Alec put his arms out in a similar fashion for balance. Soon everyone left the building as is apparently customary for an earthquake. I stayed at my desk and got on Blogger so I could write about the events.

I think I'm legally retarded.